Michael Holden - Director
Michael Holden is a qualified carpenter and licenced builder. He brings over 20 years of continuous building experience to PIMS Construction. For the past 13 years, Michael has successfully grown PIMS Construction from a one person operative to a company employing 4 full time staff. Michael’s broad experience has enabled PIMS construction to complete projects in residential, commercial and retail industries.
Michael’s experience includes:
Director of PIMS Construction – 13 years
Construction Manager for large Sydney Construction Company – 4 years
Project Manager for a Sydney Restaurant Chain – 2 years
Heritage Cottage Restorations in the UK – 1 year
On site carpenter/Supervisor
Carpentry apprenticeship

Stacey Holden - Finance & Marketing
Stacey has a bachelor of business majoring in Finance and Marketing from UTS Sydney, and a Masters in Finance from London Business School.
Stacey worked in financial markets in Sydney, London and Hong Kong for 15 years before joining PIMS Construction.
She is currently studying a Dimploma of Building Design.